There is a Car Stereo shop in Leighton, PA called MOBILE EDGE.  It is a high end shop with a great website, and they do excellent work.  It is a model shop, and their successes are a benchmark for everyone in the industry.

The owner of the shop wrote an E-book about purchasing a remote starter.  There are so many incorrect and twisted facts out there about remote starters that he wanted to set the record straight, and also help educate potential consumers.  you can click the banner at the top of the page, or CLICK HERE to be taken to the website.

The book costs $4.99.  I have read it myself, and it is SO WELL WRITTEN and FULL OF SUCH GOOD INFORMATION that if you buy this book, and after purchasing it come to Sounds & Motion and buy a remote starter, we will give you a $5 discount.  We are in no way affiliated with this E-book.  We don't get a single cent when one is sold.  But we want our customers to be educated, which is why we are offering this discount.

So what are you waiting for?  Go read it already!!